Personal Consultations

Personal Performance Coaching That Gives You Results

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Are you ready to move forward in your life?

The people who work with me are people from all walks of life, but they all have one thing in common - there's some area of life they are stuck in, often intractably.

Like them, you may be:

  • feeling stressed, anxious, out of control or overwhelmed and burnt out.

  • frustrated at having big goals but not being able to take the action necessary to achieve them (that dread word procrastination features here!)

  • dealing with a past or current trauma - a death, accident, divorce, relationship family or business difficulties or a health diagnosis.

  • frustrated at your financial situation and never being able to get ahead.

stress and anxiety
Performance Blocks EFT tapping for peak performance
  • have an underlying feeling that you are inadequate/not enough and compare yourself to others - despite your skills, talents, intelligence and achievement.

  • have hit a creative block and feel helpless to overcome it.

  • suffering from fears and phobias that inhibit your capacity to succeed and be at ease.

  • have health issues or are coping through addictive behaviours you want to be free from.

  • You might recognise yourself in this list and if so, you're certainly not alone. You might also, like some of my clients, have spent a lot of time and money not experiencing the results you seek.

Are you intrigued as to how EFT Tapping can help you with all of these emotional states?

"I was suffering debilitating anxiety at the thought of pitching my documentary film idea to a large and influential audience. After only two sessions with Margaret the anxiety subsided and I gained a whole new perspective on how to approach the event. It turned out to be the most extraordinary day of my life and I was thrilled to be awarded over half a million dollars in funding."


personal consultations emotional freedom techniquesI'm Margaret Munoz - I've been on my own journey of healing and growth for many years and for the past 30 odd years I've been working with people who have come to me with a whole range of different issues, from people who have great aspirations but feel held back and frustrated at this procrastination, to people suffering from severe trauma or debilitating phobias.

I have plenty of certifications but the power of my work, my compassion, understanding and clarity stems from my own difficult experiences in life and my determined and continual quest to heal.  My knowledge isn't theoretical - I share what I have learned for myself.

I'm in Australia but have worked with international clients spanning the globe including England, America, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Japan, Mexico and New Zealand. We work via phone, Zoom or Skype.

Through our sessions I help people to see their life in a whole new way and enjoy the outcome that they've always wanted.

What You Can Expect

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  • It may be a specific result - a new job, a relationship or health resolved, a creative project accomplished, or being able to undertake what you previously feared. As your emotional pain shifts and you start to understand what beliefs are running your life, and dissolve them, you'll be able to start creating the life you want.

  • It can also involve having new skills, resources and perspectives to navigate a challenge. Along the way you'll feel happier, lighter, calmer, more relaxed - frequently relieved, hopeful and empowered to take new action with increased self-esteem and self-confidence.

  • You'll likely have an improved ability to set boundaries, care for yourself better, and have greater resilience under pressure.

  • Releasing long-held unresolved emotions and the freedom from old, unresourceful patterns will lead you to increased energy and the ability to take action, as well as giving rise to feelings of gratitude, compassion and contentment.

  • Freedom from long-held patterns, so you can experience a more enriching, fulfilling life.

  • Best of all, you'll have connected deeply to yourself, found a greater level of inner peace and realised the power of what lies within.

What Will Actually Happen in our Breakthrough Sessions?

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One of the first things we do is look at what you want to change and, even more importantly, what do you want instead - because it's my job to help you get from where you are now to where you want to go.

I have a huge toolbox from which to draw in order to support you on your journey of breaking free from your stuckness and I will use whatever I feel will support you the best.

But EFT Tapping is always on the agenda!

The Tapping Process

On your first consultation you will either learn or refresh the basics of Emotional Freedom Techniques and feel for yourself the speed with which tapping works. You can expect to have some major insights, and as well as gaining a deeper, or even totally new, understanding of what is causing the issue, you'll probably feel relieved to be heard and understood.  You will be provided with highly effective tools, as well as "homework" to accelerate the process.

I do my utmost to have you feel at a place of completion at the end of each session.

It's important to know that this not "talk" therapy and seeks to create immediate change that is lasting.

How Do You Know if Working With Me is Right For You?

EFT Tapping
  • Working with me might be right for you if you're tired of being stuck or frustrated and want to break free of a particular limitation or block and experience your life differently.

  • You may want to step up to higher levels of personal and professional success and want to fulfill unrealised possibilities - as well as use your skills, talents and knowledge to make your greatest contribution to the world.

  • You're motivated with a desire to change and grow and value new perspectives and being challenged. You also enjoy creative solutions with practical results and you're curious to explore what might be possible.

  • You're ready to flourish and thrive rather than survive, are prepared to have a sense of humour along the way and are committed to achieving an outcome.

The Benefits of Professional Support

EFT Tapping is a potent self-help tool.  However it's a fact that it's very difficult to shift our own subconscious programming - I call it "being down our own ditch" - which is why I also seek professional support even though I'm so good at seeing other people's belief systems and conditioning.  I regularly see people who have been tapping on themselves but still can't make the shifts they want.

So the way to make the biggest shift is to get the support of someone who can enable you to do a deep dive into clearing out the past and deliver the freedom that you so badly want.

physical health

What's the Next Step?

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You can contact me by phone or email or click here to set up an appointment and I'll send you a self-reflective assessment to fill out about yourself and your needs. This will better me to understand your initial focus so we can get off to a flying start.  I also offer a brief chat if you have further questions as to whether it's right for you.

I am fiercely committed to your success so I offer a money-back guarantee of satisfaction for your first session.  As the saying goes - you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

“I have never finished a session with Margaret when I haven't felt stronger, clearer-headed and truer to myself and my talents, and she is generous and caring for her clients”.
